Speaking, reading, listening, writing activities and Trinity tools
Four Skills
Activities for reading, speaking, listening and writing
Activities for preparing the exam

Questions Cards

This question-cards are excellent resource for kids. Give them to cut and keep in a ring-clip in their pencil-cases to practice speaking at any moment in class. Sarters and movers.

Speaking Questions Report to prompt students’ communication about personal information and daily life. Starters and movers.

Promote L2 use in your classroom!


We have a lot of information about Trinity’s structure online , but what we don’t have is an idea about how to put it into practice. Here I explain how I prepare Trinity exams; step by step, and accompanying each one with a template you can download too. Exams will be hard work yet, but everything will run smoothly!
Topic’s Draft

Students may need to write their topics down. It is a great way to help them to internalise the structure!
Building Up Topic

For the further steps in the creation of topics the Teacher has to supervise many students and many aspects. Use my “Building up Topic’s Checklist”, and you will have everything under control! GESE 4 & 5

Students have to give reasons to their answers and in this case, for their chosen topic. GESE4 Template

Language Assistants can use this file to record students’ production of language when practising their Topic Presentations. Complete table which includes the grammatical features students are supposed to produce and control in Trinity GESE-4 exam.

Language Assistants can use this file to record students’ production of language when practising their Topic Presentations. Complete table which includes the grammatical features students are supposed to produce and control in Trinity GESE-5 exam.

Students have to give reasons to their answers and in this case, for their chosen topic. GESE5 Template