Resources to work content and language integrated learning within the classroom: activities, games, ideas, tips, etc.
How do I face CLIL?

Personal Approach to Science through English. The first time I face Science class in English I had no idea about the what & the how. Today this is my personal approach to CLIL. I hope you find it helpful.
Continents & Oceans

Social Science Topic. Continents and Oceans.. Very simple PPT to help you to introduce the topic to very young learners.
Laboratory Practice

Natural Science Topics: Plants, Living Things, Matter and Energy.. Six experiments you can do with your students at school. The importance of hypothesising, experimenting and analysing. Think-Try-Observe-Rethink!.
Middle Ages

History Topic.The Middle Ages in Spain: The Muslim Invasion. A sequence of Teacher’s explanations and students’ activities. You don’t need to print anything. You can work just with the projector and your digital-boards.
Middle Ages

History Topic.The Middle Ages in Spain: The Reconquest/Reconquista. A sequence of Teacher’s explanations and students’ activities. You don’t need to print anything. You can work just with the projector and your digital-boards.

Natural Science Topic. Physics, Matter, Mathematical Language. Two students’ activities to practice mathematical language in English at the same time they work with densities experimenting.